Braxton hicks?
Hi Moms. Currently 34weeks+ 2nd pregnancy. Started to feel contraction on off - tightening.. menstrual cramp to lower back. To pressure at vagina. Feeling like pooping too. U name it.. 2nd time of the week. Whole body sweaty non-stop. Feel nausea & headache. Lost appetite to eat. 20mins interval. Should I be worried?
I felt the same way. But mine was way too frequent for a braxton hicks and it was not painful at all just tightening but too often like every few mins. I buat bodoh aje until my waterbag leaked at 35w3d. Only at the hospital did I know I was having a constant contractions but I was not dilating. Felt weird cos it's not my 1st pregnancy and this was something I did not expect as I know how braxton hicks and the real contractions feels. If in doubt, call the hospital and let them know. Then heed their advice.
Read moreU should text your gynae and ask. If worried go straight to check!