Hello, all moms here... Would you want to share about a good school for my little one? I want to send her to school but only for 2-4 hours. I mean, not like a childcare half or full-time. I saw a sparkle tots preschool for my little one in Prenursery 1. But not all town has that program. Would you share with me if you have experience with that? Thanks...

Hi dear...I only know Sparkle Tots and Star Tots have school which only 2 hours (N1), 3 hours (N2), 4 hours (K-1 & K-2). I choose Sparkle Tots cause they don't make me wait until sufficient number of students. So far I'm satisfied how their teachers teach, treat my daughter and can handle the kids. I like when they update what's my daughter doing in the class. I live in Yishun. Yishun Chong Pang have some branches of Sparkle Tots which has 2 hour program..Perhaps you could find more information about Sparkle tots in their website. Hope you can find it which close with your place.
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Hi two sons are in sparkletots Nursery 1 (3years old) 10am till 2 year old is in Playgroup 10:30am till 12.. im sure thats the timing you looking for..location of sparkletots i enrolled them is at Blk 875 woodlands
call them up at 63631589..either Miss Jess or the principal will pick up..just enquire for any vacancies or ask when is nearest enrollment date and month👍
Mom of cute daughter IG : @dillanissaa