2 Balas

ikut bajet sis. kalau ada bajet lebih beli je siap2. tp biasanya org suggest utk beli lepas bersalin. sbb tak semua org perlukan breastpump lg2 kalau surirumah. tp saya surirumah & saya beli juga utk standby incase saya/baby warded, ada masalah ke apa, dah siap standby pump & botol. saya beli brand arley.

have many types and depends on your budget. there will be baby expo on 2-5th March. maybe you can have a look on their website ya. https://tcebaby.com.my/expo/15/starbuys?cat=1&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PPC&utm_campaign=Breastpump&utm_id=39&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqoGN74zJ_AIV-JlmAh2snwtnEAAYASAAEgL74fD_BwE

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