hi mommies & wives semua :) ada tak sesiapa sini boleh share pakai product apa utk menaikkan semula bubis kita? ada yang familiar dengan Vessa serum tak? legit ke serum tu? saya pernah try serum lagi satu yang viral dekat tiktok tu tapi mcm overclaim je.. kalau boleh nak effect yang permanently #bantusharing #ingintahu

Personally, i takkan apply anything on my boobies sebab anything yang absorb, firm and membesarkan ni akan ada side effect later on. Me myself working in industry healthcare and doing research on chemicals, so I’m well aware about prolonged exposure of products macamni. Potentially to get kidney issue/ it would be cancerous. Sebab chemicals ni bukan ambil masa sebulan utk develop and concentrated in your body. At least 10 years baru you will show the symptoms. But again, there’s no proven research so far. But my personal opinion, just avoid la these kind of serums/ cream etc. but up to you ☺️ to make your boobs firm tu, you can look up for exercises, buat exercise and firm kan balik sagging boobs. It works wonders
Baca lagisy penah nampak la ada fl kat fb dia pki lotion pembesar tu, mmg menjadi la tp last² dia sdri pn mcari lotion pengecil pula sb dh jd tlmpau bg besar bg dia 😅 . tp kalo utk mom yg especially bf baby sebaiknya elakkan la sb nt kn baby akn bf dgn kita then nt bila sapu lotion tu nt myb baby akn terhisap juga lotion tu, nauzubillah minzalik
Baca lagiSorry I don't actually believe in product mcm serum2 semua tu. Because macam overclaim. The best way is thru exercise
Serum2 ni mcm bohong je sis.. klu nak kembali anjal first kena kurangkan berat bdn n second kena buat exercise..
exercise je awak.. pakai serum makan ubat pakai filler pun kena buat maintenance 😅 apa je yg permanent
nak permanent bukan takat pkai produk saja. mkn minum jaga, exercise. ada budget pi buat kt klinik beauty.
x pernah dgr pula serum tuk part tu. setahu sy, jaga mkn dgn buat senaman. yakin je sis, natural beauty.
kalau boleh elak