Jaundice test

Hi mommies, with the current situation do you still send your newborn for the jaundice test at Polyclinic? I feel that our newborn is too fragile n exposed with the frequent visits to the clinic.

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Super Mum

I would follow the doctor’s instructions, honestly. Because if the levels are extremely high or increasing, there’s a chance of brain damage to baby or a sign of liver issues respectively. In my case, when the levels were falling, I did “bargain” with the doctor to postpone the next appointment by 1-2 days. Heh. But that was because the levels were falling nicely and the cause of the jaundice was definitely breastmilk jaundice

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5y ago

If tomorrow’s levels are coming down nicely, try bargaining about the next visit. Heh. I use the baby carrier and let baby face me too, so that she’s exposed to less droplets