32 Replies
I had chemical pregnancy last year. So planning to tell family after 12-13 weeks and to friends may be in 3rd trimester. But told my boss and HR when i got BFP as i needed wfh.
First baby 12 weeks after first trimester, second baby when people ask. Lol. Probably 20 weeks as we’re more curious about gender this time compared to the first
I never got too excited announcing my pregnancy to anyone , until 5months pregnant. as I had miscarriage before .
if you are pang tang, announce when baby is stable around 3 month onwards
I announced after my OSCAR when I know baby is all fine ☺️
I just announced at 20 weeks. After full anatomy scan.
Week 12 for pregnancy. Week 20 for gender.
After wk 20 to close family members
Abt 16th week when bb more stable.
I informed once i was 8ish weeks!