2 Balas

Not recommended. u can go to pharmacy / any store n find the suitable toothpaste n toothbrush for ur little one based on his / her age. Colgate brand also have for the kids. Normally the kid will use non- florida toothpaste n it is safe for them if they swallow.

NOO.... Don't listen to all this kind people. Our kid is only producing milk teeth not same like us gigi kekal. That's y dekat luar tu ada range untuk certain age. Bukan main tara untuk semua peringkat umur. Even untuk kids pun 0- 5 years old. Than 6- 8 years old. There's a reason cause ingredients inside is not the same.


Hi. Not recommended for toddler to use adult toothpaste. Better use the toodler/ kids toothpaste.

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