Mommies please need your advice, mommies yg sedang guna Frisolac AR atau yg pernah guna pls advice.

Mommies my son just 2month and he having reflux issue. Doc suggest bg formula yg ada AR so I go for Frisolac AR. Today first day bg baby kul 9am ok jer bby minum tade muntah or poo. Second feed 12pm still minum ok tade muntah but poo cair. Sgt² cair mcm air paip and sy notice after my 2nd feeding bby kerap poo (cair) almost setiap kali minum susu dia akn poo. Tapi muntah dh stop, my question is that poo is normal for AR fm because I do understand AR nie kn rumusan khas so poo mmng akn cair ke mcm watery like that. Mommies pls do advice im too worry#mohonbantujawabbunda #sharing

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sy pun guna ar utk baby sy sbb reflux.. tapi dia x da mslh najis cair.. najis dia mcm pekat and a bit mcm berlendir.. tu ja.. sis try for a few days more. kalau still mcm tu, better tukar susu lain..

4w ago

no problem.. muntah susu ka sis?