Induced birth
Hi mommies. Need ur inputs on induced birth.. how did it go for u? Any tips so that i don't end up going to csect after failed induction?

Hello! First thing first. Induce is not as painful as majority said. I've had normal deliveries & an induced delivery, 9 mths ago & both felt the same to me, honestly. The contractions is somehow same & painful so I opted for epidural. This defers to each of our body as we all have diff pain threshold. I had c-sect scare with the induced labour as my waterbag had already leaked preterm & I had high grade fever, a sign that I have an infection due to the leaked waterbag. I've never had c-sect before so it really scared me. I had 2 female gynaes throughout my labour and they're so kind & tried to push me to have a normal delivery. The reason I opted for epidural is also because it helped with the dilation but sadly it didn't work out this time to numb the pain & I was in pain the entire time but it does help to fastened my dilation. I started pushing at 8cm dilated. Just so the dilation will be fully open so I can push my baby out (pls do not follow my method). My labour only took 3 hrs via normal delivery, thankfully. No tear & no episio too. I only had episio with my 1st born. I cannot give tips for the latter cos really, all our body differs especially on how fast your cervix can dilate. I've had 5 live births. But tips to not have a bad tear is to never lift your butt up. Only push when your gynae/midwife tells you to. Hope for the best for you. Try to walk alot & if possible do squats. These 2 exercises helps you to dilate.
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