6 Replies

Hi mummy firstly congratulations on your newborn. It is indeed tiring for first few weeks getting use to the sleepless night esp for newborn. Because it is a different environment and getting used to all the changes therefore they tend to wake up at night or wee hrs. My first child use to wake up every 3 hrs for few months. But, my second child she only wake up once after a few weeks. So both has different sleeping pattern. However, I will make sure that their last feeding bedtime will make them full before they sleep tight. Unless they are milk monster just like my first then I will have sleepless night. You will eventually get use to the pattern. You can definitely make changes once you know how your newborn sleep, wake up, feeding time. It is tiring but it requires trial and error.

yes very tiring especially the first 2 months as bb pattern not fixed yet and i couldnt catch the clues on what bb wants. fret not, just have to bite your teeth through and soon it will get easier and easier. as we learn abt our bb each day we will slowly know what to do to soothe . at 6 wks, bb still requires feeding every 3 hours. thats why you will feel damn tired. at different months bb will keep changing patterns. soon bb will be able to sleep longer hours through the night.

Have you heard of “witch hour”? Go google it. It could be witch hour or colic. I’m gg through something similar now. NB is 5 weeks old and every night will cry for extended hours and nothing we do can soothe the baby. This phase will pass. My elder child went through the same thing. It is tiring and frustrating, I feel you! Continue to cuddle and soothe the baby and watch out for feeding/diaper/tired cues. That’s the best we can do now. Hang in there!

being honest here, it's gonna be tiring. my baby wakes up every 3 hours, she usually is soothed with milk. it took about 5 months for my baby to sleep longer stretches. my baby will be 1 year in just weeks and she has started waking up for milk at night. only once and usually goes back to sleep.

Jia you mummy! This is verrry normal. Babies are reallly struggling at this stage. Jz keep feeding and cuddling him ok. And very important to not let him cry out. He will suffer a major damage when hes older. Hang in there mummy!! You got this. 💪🏻💪🏻 youre now his safe place. 💕

Mine tooooo… 🥲 mine is 5-7pm

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