How to Prevent Miscarriage or Complications?

Mom, I'm so scared... this is my third pregnancy. The two previous ones, I miscarried at 16 weeks and 10 weeks. How can we ensure this pregnancy stays healthy? I can't stop blaming myself. My mom and mother-in-law say it's my fault. Now, I'm too scared to do anything, I've completely stopped all activities. I panic at the slightest discomfort... I feel like I'm not going to be a good mom.

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Give yourself a big tight hug. The moment you started worrying shows that you’re a mom that cares. I’m no expert but I’m sure there are a lot of factors that cause miscarriages. And I believe that the men shared the same responsibility too as it’s their genetic material, so don’t blame yourself. Trust your gynae and take plenty of rest to relax the body and mind. Eat well to fuel your body for yourself and for your baby. Stop doing or eating anything that makes you feel uncomfortable/insecure of. Be careful when you need to take any medication. Spend time to talk or sing to your baby. Every pregnancy is a blessing. You’re a blessed one. Have faith and stay away from toxic ppl for the time being. You need positive vibes!

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