Mixed feeling

Hi, I had 3boys and unexpectedly I'm expecting again. I shivered when got the results. I feel scared, depressed yet thankful to god for the blessing. My husband and mom was expecting a girl since #2, but was disappointed with the result. Same goes to #3, and when this happen my husband ignore me the whole pregnancy. Don't even touch n talk to baby, don't even ask how i am. I go checkup all by myself. While my mum asked me to quit work to look after them. All of them now in childcare. Right now only husband know about this #4, I'm so scared to tell mom. I'm so depressed. Sometime feels like letting go of this pregnancy but wise mind said NO. At first my husband blame me for pregnant again, i told him if it's not his sperm i wouldn't expecting again. I seriously don't know what should i feel. Restless! Depressed!

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Have a proper discussion with your husband. Maybe find a temporary childcare arrangement for dinner (Eg baby sitter or put at in laws house), go out for food and have a good talk on what’s best for both of you. Letting go of an unplanned pregnancy is not uncommon for married couples. I know of a few friends like this, where financially or emotionally don’t want children again. Most importantly your husband have to be supportive in an event you both decided to keep as child rearing is not a one man show. Believe me, the child will feel it when he/she is older too. Best of luck, mama 😊

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