Maternal diabetic... can't stop eating help

Mom, I'm currently 7 months pregnant... the doctor said my weight is already excessive. I'm advised to diet and especially stop eating sweets. I don't know why, but I just can't... I can't give up my favorite ice cream and chocolate. My husband gets angry all the time; he says I don't care about our baby. It's not like that... it's just that if I don't eat something sweet, I feel dizzy and I keep craving it.

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You’re only feeling uneasy for a short period of time. But if this causes anything undesirable towards your baby, it may affect your baby for the rest of the lifetime. Choose.

maybe can try sweeteners or fruits. something which is sweet but, less sugar contain compare to chocolate and ice cream

try to eat apples or berries whenever you have those cravings. At least it's lower in sugar and healthier.


try honey