3 Replies

I'm in similar situation whereby I'm juggling between my family life (a mother of 2 kids - one a toddler and one a newborn) and my masters degree. Recently I'm also struggling to cope with my low energy level even when I have so much help and support with things at home. Often I tell myself to do the best whether is it in my family life or studies. But end of the day, it depends on what you prioritise the most. most importantly, take care of yourself first both physically and mentally then other stuff can fall in place! all the best to you!

Hugs mama! You're doing a great job! the fact that you're worrying so much about it shows how much u care, and yes, have faith that this too shall pass. Take heart in the fact that you're alrdy doing your utmost best in all aspects of your life, because you're not just a mum, but a person with many facets and roles. Give yourself credit at how well you're juggling them, hard as it may be. Jiayou jiayou!


definitely isnt easy! we can only make the best choice based on our own circumstances... everyone circumstances differs so there's no one size fit all approach... stay strong!

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