mix feeding like daily bm and night fm? OR finish up frozen stash den take fm? will baby reject bm once she try fm? will she have probs like constipation or phlegm?

One of my friends did a mix as she was worried that her baby would not like the taste of the formula milk. She first started with 3 parts BM and one part FM, then gradually increased the FM proportion. If it is difficult for you to pump, you can still try to direct latch your baby as often as possible so that she can still benefit from having breast milk (not suggesting that FM is not good, just that BM is better I think). But it is also important that you are not stressed or too tired from the process. Wean off gradually so that you and your baby both can have enough time to adapt to the changes. :)
Read moreI am a working mum, so I keep a stash of formula at home for the nanny to use in case she runs out of ebm for baby. She usually ends up taking 30-40ml of fm every few days as my meetings get delayed and I am late to come home. I have run of frozen bm (only have 2 packets left) for emergency. She has no problems with either bm or fm though I have a preference to keep her as breastfed as possible for as Long as possible, but I try not to sweat the small stuff, so 40-50ml here and there is no big deal in my opinion. :)
Read moreHi Mummy, It is best do not start with fm if you have enough supply of breastmilk. Consistently latch/ pump to build up your supply. Breastmilk is based on demand and supply, so if you start fm, it will give a signal to your own body that baby do not need so much milk. Please try to stick to breastmilk only. Gambateh!
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i tried latching but i prefer to pumo as i have some difficulty for latching.. thank u anyway!
okie cool. does ur lo have any phlegm or constipate or anything?