12 Replies

I think she will have high blood pressure if I am her dil instead lol. I crave for Coke and mala every single day so I just eat whatever I want to feel comfortable. Anyways although not “healthy” (but seriously eating healthy but nausea no thanks, not to forget my wallet), please just eat whatever you feel like eating. As long as it’s in moderation it’s fine. My baby came out healthy despite me eating all the “unhealthy” stuffs.

It’s what that generation of ppl believe in. So it’s up to you. I avoided most of the cold and spicy food and drinks throughout my pregnancy. I’ll never know how they might affect my baby, so I chose not to risk it. It’s just 9 months of my time but if anything should happen to my baby, it may affect her lifetime, eg, skin condition issue. But ultimately, it’s up to individual. You can reason with her with your opinion.

what is your husband doing? mama's boy? it can be very depressing for mom to be when being controlled like that. don't let your mil control u else she will be teaching you how to teach your baby in the future too. bossing around. u need to speak to your husband how u feel. if he think you should listen to his mom then he should eat the same diet as you too.

I ate everything i like for all my pregnancies, in moderation and didnt follow any post partum pantangs. All good. Happy mummy, happier baby. Pls dont stress yourself. And pls just stop your MIL if she is stepping iver the boundary. If you dont stop her now, shes gonna take control your postpartum and your baby. Trust me.

The most important thing is that you feel happy. Do take unhealthy or junk food in moderation but I understand why it is so hard when you just have that craving!!

Please don’t let her control you. A lot of mil’s are very overbearing. Eat foods that make you feel happy, don’t make yourself stressed out

No. Not true. Eat whatever you want, in moderation. Just avoid raw food and food not fully cooked. And food high in mercury.

Moderation is Key! ur mil mindset belongs to the oldern era that's why everything also cannot this cannot that.

Eat everyth in moderation. If u are not happy, baby can feel it too. Eat while she is nt around haha

Eat when she’s not around. I eat anything and everything whenever I want to.

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