Shampoo for 1year old

Hi mga mommies. Just want to ask for recommendations kung ano po yung magandang shampoo and conditioner if pwed na for an 18month baby girl? Curly hair po kasi sya 🙈😁 #1stimemom #lookingforeco #babygirl #curlyhairs

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Super Mum

you can check Johnson's or Eskulin po. i like Palmolive kids 3 in 1 kaya lang hindi sya tear free.

4y ago

kaya nga mi, cguro pg mejo malaki na sya gamit ako palmolive 😊 i'll try eskulin hehe

VIP Member

Johnson's mommy check mo po UN product nila

4y ago

thanks mommy for answering, johnsons gamit ko now sakanya heheh