My menses returned 3mpp...and has been regular since. But this month its delayed.. Will menses be regular or irregular once it is back? I am pumping and latching..past 1 week supply seem to drop...not sure is it menses coming or due to i drop 1 pump..

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Hi, my friend was in the same position as you. Her period came back 4 month post partum and it came on the 3rd week of the month every day without fail. The flow was a bit irregular, sometimes heavy lasting 7 days, sometimes it was only 3 days and very light. When she missed her period for the first time since her period came back, she knew she was pregnant again. The mommy above is right -- could be a potential pregnancy, maybe you should get it checked if you have missed it after 1 week...

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It is quite difficult to tell if your period will be regular or not but I would think that it should be since you mentioned that it has been regular. But as with all cycles, it could be affected by factors such as stress. Fluctuations in supply may be due to period. Some of my friends notice a dip prior to or during their period. Is there any chance that you may be pregnant? Perhaps you can take a pregnancy test if your period has been delayed by one week.

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