9 Replies

Tbh I always had this worry too! To the point I always remind my husband not to be overly joyed thinking that it’s definitely a baby girl 😅😅😅 Especially if we didn’t take the harmony test where they determine the baby gender via blood test (but the other test that only determine gender via ultrasound scan), there’s always a chance that the ultrasound couldn’t capture baby’s genitals clearly due to baby’s positioning :/ certainly don’t wish for this to happen cos now all the baby prep may need to change

My mum gave birth to my younger brother many many years ago. When delivered the nurse and doctor says, "Congrats you deliver a boy." My mum says "yes i know i deliver baby girl". Then they panic and said "no staff left the room yet, you delivered a baby boy, madam". They reassure my mum that's her baby! Everytime scan is girl , in the end pop out boy.🤣

yea i have heard similar experiences before where a baby girl was mistaken for a boy... turns out, what was thought to be the genitals was actually her thumb 😂

My mother did. When she pregnant my bro #4. She scan twice to check that it was a girl. And her last scan show it was a boy.

i did nipt so i know the gender will be 100% right before scanning. no guessing.

In which week they confirmed you the baby gender as boy and in which as girl?

possible since scans are dependent on the baby's angle.


😅he hid it well



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