4 Replies

It's very important to listen to your body. Exercising is good, but if your body keeps saying no, probably tone it down in duration, frequency or intensity, or choose something lighter.

I hired a pre & post partum trainer. I informed of all my needs and demands and he was very attentive to them and honestly I did not regret it. I lost 10kg! www.charleskfitness.com

Exercising is good but diff body is diff. If you start to be weak or faint feeling after exercise even for few mins, better to stop. Your safety and health more important.

Which trimester are you in? I was v tired in first tri and wasn’t allowed to exercise by my gynae but in 2nd tri it got better!

I used to be more active too and now in late 2nd tri tend to get more tired easily.. listen to your body and you can cut down the intensity or duration first :) make sure you can still “talk” so you’re not breathless during the exercise.

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