my lo just turned 2 mos yesterday and we're on ebf! :) yesterday I noticed he only poops once/day but urines's fine. He gets wet 4-5 nappies/ day. Is his pooping normal? And another question, about 3-4 days ago lo prefers sleep than feed, I wake him every after 2-3 hrs or so. Feeding time gets a little lesser too. Does that mean he gets lesser milk than the usual? I noticed today my breast is leaking which does not happen. I got worried that lo might not be getting enough milk. Though during his waking time he's playful and alert. Thank you! :)

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EBF babies may either poop less (some even reach 7 days of no pooping) or poop every after feeding. In our case when my baby is only the same age as yours, we encountered the latter. As for your baby's sleeping. most probably he/she changes pattern. While others recommend feeding every 2-3 hours, it's best to just watch your baby and not the clock. It's good to know that he isn't cranky after waking up. This signals he's just doing fine. Lastly, leaking breasts are totally normal until 6 to 8 weeks post-partum because your body is still regulating the milk supply needed for your baby.

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9y ago

Thank you so much! :)