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What's your take on fli vaccines? Is it really necessary? My ped recommended that my lo will start receiving his after his 6th month.
What's your take on flu vaccines? Is it really necessary? My ped recommended that my lo will start receiving his after his 6th month.
Hi can you share your recipes for baby who 's just starting to take solids? :) thank you!
Hi mommies! Can you share your must haves when your babies started weaning/solids? Thanks!
Hi! My lo's turning 6mos this oct 26, 2016. I'm planning to feed him thru led weaning. Is it ideal na ba to start blw at this age? And what food can you suggest I start my lo with? Thank you!
Hi. My lo feels a bit warm since yesterday. Monitored his temperature (armpit) and it just ranges 36.7-36.8. Is this normal? He's 4mos and ebf thanks! :)
Is baygon electric mat safe for babies to inhale? I want to start using it in out room atleast 2hrs/night. Citronella patches doesn't seem to work :( and tried irganic lotions but lo's skin is sensitive he gets red blotches everytime I apply.
My lo's on his 3rd month now and is on EBF. I feed on demand (even force feed), no pacifiers or bottles. I've read that babies at this age should have their weight doubled. Lo was born at 3kgs but last pedia visit he only weighs 5.6kgs. He is an active baby, now crawls, can roll over from tummy to back, is very talkative (coos), follows/can recognize my voice and can sit with support. Is there any way I can do to help increase his weight? Thanks!
I noticed that my lo who's on his 10th week makes less wet diapers at night. We're on EBF. Lo's active when awake and no fever. Is this normal?