Double to single eyelids
My LO is currently 2 months old and she is born with thick obvious double eyelids. Out of nowhere she has single eyelids and it has been like this for 3 days straight... anyone experience this before and wonder if it will revert back to double?

My husband had single eyelids till teenage years his double eyelids came out (both his parents have double). My daughter has single eyelids most of the time and occasionally double eyelids… praying that her double eyelids will stay for good too (mom has inner double 😫). But generally if both of you have natural double eyelids, don’t have to worry too much.
Read moremy 2nd & 3rd was borne with single eyelid. they are 8yo and 10yo now and has turned double and stayed that way. I am double. my husband is single. hopefully my 5th(A girl) who was also borne with single eyelid will appear double too next time. my 1st and 4th has double one since birth. praying my 6th will have double too. due on dec.
Read moreWell, a friend of mine has single eyelids up til she’s 14 years old, her double eyelids appeared. So, relax 😌