Hi, my LO is 9 months old.. Wanna ask which Sch of thoughts Is correct? One of my frens told me to introduce high allergen food such as seafood, egg white, peanut etc earlier so as to reduce the chances of developing allergy to These food ... While another Fren with another Sch of thoughts says that we should wait to introduce the high allergen food and be more prudent to introducing these high allergen food .. Such as introduce egg white after 1 year old etc ... Which is correct ? Sometimes I wonder did I shortchange my Lo when I see my other frens already feeding a wide varieties of food , including high allergen food .. I mean I don't think I'm in a hurry to feed high allergen food but jus can't help it when I see other mommy feeding so many types of food to their LO and I ask myself if it is right to be more careful in what I feed my LO.

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