Feeding On Schedule
My LO is 2 weeks + old. I have been feeding every 3 hourly. Eventually babies will start to sleep longer till they can sleep thru night. When do I stop waking baby every 3 hour for feed?

i let my lo sleep as long as she wants since day 1. she wakes every 2-4hrly to feed, if baby is healthy, gaining weight & not jaundice can just let them feed on demand. i only wake her up to feed if she sleeps longer than 5hrs, otherwise i’ll let her be. she’s now 5w5d old & gaining weight well, gained 1.5kg since birth. pd says it’s fine too :)
Read moreMy LO stops at 2 months old, she sleep through the night. Even previously when she did wake up for midnight feeding, she could not finish the milk before she fell back to sleep. Now she is 3 months old and still no midnight feedings. All babies develop differently at different pace as well.
I continued all the way. And then gradually became 4 hourly. Still doing it because he doesn’t drink much each time. Baby is 5mo now, drinks 110-140ml each time.
I let her sleep till she wakes up for milk. Dont really need to wake her up for her case since she will really wake up abt 3 to 4 hr initially.
Oh god my babies wake me for milk nvr the other way round lollll
Mummy of 1