2 Replies

I had a similar experience because my baby was v fussy and kept wanting to latch on me. In the 1st mth, there were days he was literally on my boobs the whole day. So I had to give in to the pacifier at his 5th week just to give myself a breather😅But we don't give him often. Whenever I can I let him latch on me before he sleeps and tt proves to be faster than using the pacifier. We only give him the pacifier if he doesn't stop crying and all else fails (aft checking tt he's full, diaper changed etc). He's 3 mths now and still prefers to latch on me rather than taking his pacifier. Less fussy too and cld fall aslp on his own alr so he hardly uses the pacifier now.

Mine was at night she was tired but couldn't sleep even we soothe her so she start being fussy and cry quite sometimes.. Currently my LO will use pacifier when she keep crying and unable to stop even i try to soothe her so she soothe herself to sleep and spit the pacifier out.

Remove when she's sleep already, don't always let she latch to the pacifier.. Give just to let her calm down, when the 1st tooth come out.. Wean off the pacifier.. Good luck 💕

Thank you!

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