My left boob will get engorge every 4-5 hourly, while my right boob doesn't get engorged even after 6 hours of not expressing. Whenever I express, my right boob always yields lesser than my left. The yield will probably be only half as compared to my left yield. How do I make sure both sides yields the same amount. I didn't have this problem when I just began bf-ing my newborn who is turning 3 months old soon.

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I had the same problem with my boobs. When I first started pumping they both had the same yield, but after several episodes of engorgement, the supply went down tremendously. What I did was to massage my lower yield breast to ensure there are no lumps and also to power pump on that breast. Power pumping repeatedly empties the breast, signalling the body to make more milk, more quickly. To power pump, you just need to pick a certain time of the day that you can commit an hour to pumping (I did mine at night after kids went to bed) then use the following pattern: Pump for 20 minutes; rest 10 minutes. Pump another 10 minutes; rest for 10 minutes. You can try it for several days and see if it helps with increasing your yield. Good Luck!

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9y ago

it did for mine! I think I didn't clear it properly plus lumps.

Try latching the right breast more often instead of the left. After pumping you can apply cold compress over the left breast to moderate the supply. Apply warm compress over the right breast before latching or pumping to facilitate the flow. I have been on tandem breastfeeding and both breasts do not yield the same amount. It really depends on baby's needs. During warmer days my baby will prefer the left breasts and before sleep, she will prefer the right breast. I was told the left breast is water and the right breast is rice. When I looked at my ebm, the left side is usually more watery and right side yield is thicker.

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9y ago

I'm an exclusively pumping mommy. Other than latching, what other methods can be done? Thanks for your advice :)

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