I was worried too when my ms suddenly went off the next day in my wk11 I even asked my gynae and she said every pregnancy is different. And alas, nause and vomitting came back 2 days later. And went on and off till wk 13 and at wk 14 I'm walking everywhere doing small housework and feeling so much better. As long no bleeding or bad cramps, stay calm mama... Let's do this!
different mommies have different symtoms .. some had it smooth sailing and have no symtoms at all .. don't worry, it is normal .. enjoy it before it (might) come back again. i wish im like you! im 13 weeks and still have sore boobs and nausea .. blearghh . :)
Hey Mama.. it’s normal for pregnancy symptoms to come and go. Try not to worry too much. If you’re not experiencing cramps or bleeding, you should be ok..
Hi mummy, I’m experiencing the same now at week 10. My morning sickness symptoms like subsided. Not sure if it’s normal. Are you ok now?
Hello, i’m experiencing the same as well currently at week 9. Breast soreness reduce and only slight pain at nipple area. Are you ok now ?
Thank you dear, will monitor hopefully everything will be ok
So long you are not spotting heavily or bleeding, no cramps, it’s all good. Enjoy the moments & eat to the fullest!!
Yes it’s normal for nausea to subside towards end of first trimester!
Nicole Laurens