Trying to conceive (TTC)
Hi, Is any one know casually drinking alcohol once a week will effect during IUI treatment to getting pregnant? I'm trying to quit alcohol but the waiting time of getting pregnant really stressed.

It's really no point if you force and stress yourself. I stressed myself with quitting alcohol and try to control not to eat or drink "cold stuffs" for a year. All was in vain. Then, I got pregnant because I let it go and went for chills every week for that month! I did everything in moderation. If I wanted to eat ice cream, I ate half a cup. I drank 2 glasses of beer each chill outs. Stress is the key factor of all.
Read moreI would strongly suggest that you stop drinking alcohol while in the midst of waiting for the result, otherwise it might wasted your effort to go through all the process and hoping to get conceive...