1191 responses

Yes but also not at the discomfort of other people. If you want to full on make out, at least be considerate about it and go somewhere else... Think of the kids lol
I am someone who is more conservative. But if compared to violent-acts, showing love gestures is better right?
Yes and No...if it gets too mushy...i am not comfortable especially when i have my kid with me...
Short simple kiss is acceptable but not the long and affectionate ones PDA...then pls get a room
I think we should be conservative. But showing affection is better than showing violence
its ok to be affectionate but of course there's a limit to everything!
Well don’t make out but kissing is great, do it more often 😌
A short and Sweet one is fine, but not like literally making out
I think depends what kind of kiss.. We're Asian after all
Quick peck, not a long drawn kiss. No tongue! Haha