714 responses

I had no choice! I even travelled a lot when I was pregnant (from first trimester till now) and my family planned on travelling on this coming December. My LO will be just 5 months old.
When she was 6 months old. But too many things to worry, like sterilising the bottles and water and packing the porridge
Very normal when your parents don’t live in Singapore to take them out of the country right away
Tried to keep them away from travelling though, because of their not fully built immune systems
No point holidaying when they are younger, can’t remember anything and they’re cranky
Spent Christmas in Glasgow when he was just 3 months old
we took our 9 months on a small trip to london!
Prefer to bring my son to overseas after 6mth
Brought my LO at 9 months to bandung :)
Not yet. Planning next year wen turns 4