Foods to avoid during early pregnancy?

I’ve just found out I’m about 5 weeks pregnant and have yet to schedule a doctors appointment, but I’m trying to be more careful with foods that I eat. I’ve stopped drinking coffee / tea, but googling foods and even fruits gives a lot of differing answers that causes anxiety.. do doctors really recommend against heaty or cooling foods? Do I need to be this wary ? I do naturally have a “weaker” body in TCM terms which is why I’m extra anxious. Thank you fellow mummies #pregnancy #FTM

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in my first pregnancy, i was very meticulous about what i consumed. i don't even drink coffee until i stopped breastfeeding @ 6 months after baby was born. now on my second one, i indulge alot and i craved for coffee and spicy foods in my first trimester. i would advice to just avoid pineapples (young ones), (i've read about young papayas to avoid too), foods that are too spicy (leads to heartburn and gastric) and limit caffeine intake - coffee & tea.

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