7 Replies

okay. first u need to identify what ur mind is telling u eat. sweet spicy sour. follow it. try not to eat bland food. it worstens it. watermelon juice helps w nausea and vomitting. don overeat. eat small amounts as an wen u feel like u need to put something in ur mouth. oranges also helps abit w nausea. u can try those too

Hello mummy, its a normal thing that happened to me too. I would advice you to take a smaller amt of meal and then continue with every 2-3 hr in btw to munch on smth. Etc fruits n biscuit. :)

I puke within 10 min from every meals for about 8 weeks. it become a phobia for me to eat. I took ginger tea, smell peppermint oil, wrist band, sleep.... but still hug toilet bowl ...

VIP Member

Normal. Eat in smaller potion but frequently. Do not force yourself... it will ease by itself... slowly or you can request during your check up for nausea meds

Try to eat something dry like biscuits or bread. It works for me but at one point it got so bad I had to request for anti vomiting pills from my Gynae.

Taking regular meals helps

Try sea-band.

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