Do pregnant women have the right to request to WFH?

I've been thinking if I should ask my boss if there's any possibility of letting me WFH 100% at least during my 1st trimester. However, my concern is that if I was allowed to WFH 100%, other colleagues will start asking. But I don't intend to let them know about my pregnancy until the 2nd trimester. Also, colleagues might find it unfair if I get to WFH 100% but they don't. Am I thinking too much when I should be thinking for myself too? Do we have the right to make such request?

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hello, my sil actually requested for wfh on her 3rd trimester but her bosses turned down the request by saying that what if other staff find it unfair that they have to come to work during pregnancy or what if other staff starts requesting too.. my sil had no choice but to take HL combined with MC all the way til her ML

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3y ago

is your sil vaccinated (with booster)? I have not taken my booster so HR placed me on no pay leave instead of wfh w.e.f 14 Feb 22.