Do pregnant women have the right to request to WFH?

I've been thinking if I should ask my boss if there's any possibility of letting me WFH 100% at least during my 1st trimester. However, my concern is that if I was allowed to WFH 100%, other colleagues will start asking. But I don't intend to let them know about my pregnancy until the 2nd trimester. Also, colleagues might find it unfair if I get to WFH 100% but they don't. Am I thinking too much when I should be thinking for myself too? Do we have the right to make such request?

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You can request and ask ur boss not to disclose. For your colleagues, you can say you’ve been unwell and request to wfh for the time being. That’s what my colleague did last year when she was preg and often had fainting spells. We guessed but we’re sensitive enough not to ask and wait for her to disclose.

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3y ago

I have a coworker who all the while kept finding fault with me recently interrogated me openly in front of my boss on why I keep going to doc’s appointment recently when the fact is I haven’t told anyone at all except for my boss. My boss let her be and kept quiet. Gives me a wake up call. :)