Frequent pumping
I've been pumping every three hours these couple of days hoping that it can build up to my supply. Is it normal for the output to drop with every pumping session? I.e. from 110 to 100 to 90 and so on.

Are you latching in between? And are you drinking enough fluids, eating well and getting enough rest? Are you stressed? All these can affect the milk supply. From a mum that fed and pumped for both kids, all I can say is, do this breastfeeding/pumping in a way that brings you fulfilment and joy. Don’t stress out about occasional dips. Take care of yourself. It’s okay if you don’t pump in exact intervals.. give yourself a break sometimes, and enjoy your baby and enjoy motherhood:) there were sooo many times when I wasn’t producing much, and then suddenly when I held/thought of my baby, more milk came from an empty breast. You’re doing a great job! Remember to rest too:)
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