It's been 3 months to my delivery. My husband wants us to resume our sex life, but I am not ready. How do I convince him to wait it out?

Talk to him and tell him that you're not ready -- you've just had a baby and your body is still healing and hurting and as a new mom, you're exhausted. He should understand that and be considerate since you did after all carry his child for 9 months and went through a life altering experience of child birth. Be realistic and tell him when you aim to be intimate again. Be specific and tell him, "in another 3 months" instead of using vague terms like "soon". It will help him understand better, I hope.
Read moreI think you can sit and have a chat and tell him that you would like to slowly reach to having sex. Begin by cuddling, hugging, kissing each other and when you are emotionally and mentally prepared you would tell him. I think, you need him emotionally more right now than physically and which is opposites the case with the men. You need to make him understand how you need him right now and he should be the one on the giving end right now than expecting something out of you.
Read moreHey, He is your husband, right, and now also a father to your baby, doesn't he know what all you have been through in delivering the baby! So, why are you hesitating in telling him that you would want to wait for a little while longer to resume sex? Tell him clearly that you are not ready as yet. And I think he should understand if he loves you.
Read morethe only way to do this is to talk directly about it. tell him that you still need time to get ready and back to sex, and not just do it as a chore. tell him that even though you love him, both your body and your mind are not ready for sex yet. in the meanwhile, do connect with him in other ways that will show him that you love him.
Read moreHi Divya I understand how u feel... I think make him understand by having a healthy conversation about it. Also how long do u think it will take for you? Remember men being men do not give him an opportunity to stray.. Ensure that he is with you in this.
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Tell your husband that your body and mind are still not ready for sex. You can cuddle and sleep. Tell him you still feel weak and exhausted and sore. Give him a surprise once you are ready!