Post natal Massage
Isit okay to not go for any post natal massage?

Of course, not necessary, though it's definitely good to hve as it eases ur aches and pains and also get rid of the wind in ur body. I initially didn't want to but aft the 3rd day at home, I cldn't take the backache frm breastfeeding and I had a really bad pelvic pain. Luckily my mom managed to secure last min postnatal massage. It was definitely a life saver as only then I cld walk without pain.
Read moreOf course, it's just a luxury after all and quite expensive. You can ask husband or someone else to give you massage. And buy a binder to bind your tummy
i didnt go as i dont have money to. the massage is just help you easier during your confinement
Yup. It’s not a “must do” but it would be nice to go for it. 😁
Yes .. most of the mommy’s like me never go for it .. as well .
Yes. Actually not necessary. But it’s a “pamper” session