Is there a checklist on what I should prepare for my child to take to childcare?

-Sippers and/or feeding bottles - Snack and/or meal, as required -Juices and milk, if required -Feeding equipment such as plate, bowl and cutlery that your toddler is accustomed to -Diapers and wipes - Four to five underwear (if your toddler is potty-trained) - Four bibs -Four cotton face towels -One large bath towels for drying up (if he plays in water or the splash pool) -Two sets of season appropriate clothing labelled with your toddler's name -Bed sheet and blanket (depending on the season and temperature ) -Your toddler's favourite comfort toy You can also pack in the following in a separate case: -Hat (labelled) or woollen cap, depending on the weather - Sun screen cream or lotion and any other baby lotion or cream that you apply on your child. - Hair brush -Nappy rash cream -Specific medication if required -A family photograph -Re-sealable plastic bags for dirty clothes and linen Most importantly, remember to pack the following: -Index card with important contact numbers - Your and your husband's phone numbers written in more than one place, especially on his bag, identity card, medicine box. - Doctor's file and emergency medicines, such as paracetamol (include instructions to give medicine only after first checking with you)
Read moreHere's a standard list of items. I might have missed out a few. - FEEDING EQUIPMENT 1) Bowls, plates, cutlery, bibs & cup. 2) Formula powder in measured out in canisters, sterilise bottles (some CCs don't wash with soap nor do they sterilized) 3) Water Bottle 4) For CCs where they source from non-halal vendors, you may have to cook and pack lunch from home 5) Snacks - CLOTHES Your child will need a change of clothes in case he has an accident or gets mucky. If he’s playing outdoors, make sure he has suitable shoes. If the weather's hot, pack a sun hat. - NAPPIES AND WET WIPES Pack enough for the day, plus spares just to be sure. - SUNSCREEN If your CC has an outdoor play area - COMFORT ITEMS If your child has a favourite teddy or toy, or a comfort blanket, he may like it with him at childcare. - MEDICINE If your child takes any prescription medicine, pack enough for the day and let his CC know when and how to give it to him. Just to be sure, write the same instructions on a label and attach it securely to the medicine. Depending on your childcare provider, you may need to complete a form as well. If your child needs an inhaler, make sure it’s clearly labelled. Also, don't forget to label everything!
Read moreHi Jacqueline, depending on how old your kid may be there are a couple of things to add to your daycare bag. If your kid is still in diapers, you’ll be asked to send a case of diapers (6-8), and a diaper rash cream. You’ll also need extra pants that include both cloth and reusable plastic pants. If your kid is potty training, you’ll still need the same number of pants and 5-8 pairs of underwear. Don’t forget to add baby wipes. In all this, its also crucial to not forget extra outfits, extra socks, and a spare pair of shoes. If your toddler will be going outdoors, make sure to keep the weather in mind and add a sweater or sweatshirt. Nap-time items Check with your daycare on how they plan to put your baby to sleep. Accordingly, you can send across a blanket, pillow or mat cover and if your kid uses a pacifier to sleep, add that too. As for food and drinks, you may be asked to pack three lunches and snacks. It’s best to send fresh finger foods and add a few extra in case your kid is a fussy eater. You can add cheese slices or pasta or fruits and diced peppers or even a soft turkey or tuna sandwich. In addition, do add medications (if required) and sunscreen.
Read moreHello Mommy! How old is your child? According to the age the list might be different. But here are a few basics to keep in mind: Food- either milk/formula as per age, or solid food Diapers- if they are young Extra pair of clothes Some soother or fav comforting toy Homework- if any Bag- water Name card Emergency numbers to call List of allergies, if any
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