Polyclinic Opening Hours

What are the polyclinic opening hours in Singapore? Are the polyclinics also open on public holidays?

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polyclinic operating hours are Monday - Friday (8.00 am - 1.00 pm). It is closed on public holidays.

No. Polyclinic is closed on public holiday. If it is urgent matter, you can head to hospital's A&E.

No, poly clinic never open on public holiday. I will go for KK Hospital if is emergency.

No.. They closed.. Google it and u can get the operating hrs detail

no... and pls avoid ph eve or 1 day after ph... will be crowded too

VIP Member

Not on public holidays but it is open on Saturdays in the morning.

Its closed. But I noticed that baby always get sick on PH


no wor, public holiday most likely u have to go A&E.

No. Most of the clinic closed on Public Holiday.