Information on the Breech Position As we discussed earlier, the breech position is dangerous to both mother and baby. There are three kinds of breech position: Frank breech: In the frank breech position, the baby’s buttocks are in position to come out first. This is the most common breech position. Footling breech: In the footling breech position, one or both legs are positioned to come out first. Complete breech: In a complete breech position, the baby’s buttocks are positioned down near the birth canal. Its feet are near the buttocks and the knees are bent. A breech position can be diagnosed in a number of different ways. One way would be during a routine exam (including a fetal ultrasound). It may also be found that your baby is in breech while your doctor checks your cervix. A procedure called an external cephalic version might be an option your doctor can use to turn a baby in breech position to head down. If it is found that a baby is still in a breech position when you’re nearing your due date, a caesarian section will probably be scheduled.
My World, My Baby, My God, My Doctor