Induce this friday
Will be induced this Friday! Just did membrane sweep today. Any tips to induce naturally? ☺️ And what to expect during induction?

Hey there! First off, congratulations on your upcoming arrival! It's totally understandable to want to explore natural ways to help things along. After a membrane sweep, you might find that your body starts to kick into gear on its own, but it's always good to have some extra tips handy. One natural method you could try is nipple stimulation. It's believed to release oxytocin, which can help to get those contractions going. You can do this by gently massaging your nipples for a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Another option is walking. Taking a stroll can help to encourage the baby to move down into the birth canal and can also stimulate contractions. Spicy foods are sometimes suggested as a way to induce labor, although the evidence for this is more anecdotal than scientific. Still, if you enjoy a bit of spice, it might be worth a try! As for what to expect during induction, every woman's experience is different, but typically you'll be admitted to the hospital and given medication to help kickstart labor. It can take some time for things to get going, so be prepared to be patient. Your medical team will be there to guide you through every step of the process and answer any questions you might have. Wishing you all the best for a smooth and safe delivery! If you have any more questions or need support along the way, we're here for you. 🌟 Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻
Read moreThis was what I did but not sure whether it helped in the dilation or mine just naturally dilated because it was time 😂 - sumo squats - 3 dates for every meal - raspberry leaf tea 2x a day - walk everywhere My friend swears upon sex. I couldn't do it even though I wanted to. I was already forcing my husband to the bed 😂 but in the end I was tooooooo exhausted to even do anything.
Read morejust gave birth in april. want to say that tried all methods; raspberry tea leaf, dates, sex. but i think it depends on your cervix as i took 12 hours. my friend who did not do anything or take anything had full dilation by 3 hours.
I heard drinking raspberry leaf tea or eating dates can help induce naturally but not sure if it really works!
Try all of the above but end up going for csection. Been induce for 1 day plus.
Can I ask if the membrane sweep is painful to you?