Member ka na ba ng Team Bakunanay sa FACEBOOK?
In this day and age, information can be sought within the touch of our finger tips. How can we determine if what we see and read is factual or not? Just like when it comes to vaccinations. A lot of information can be searched and read through various social media platforms --- but sadly not ALL are true. Let us be equipped with the RIGHT information and help encouraged other people to get vaccinated, not just with COVID-19 but with other ailments which can be prevented and not aggravated through vaccination. Also, you can join Team BakuNanay Facebook community ( This is a perfect venue for you to raise your concerns and questions about vaccinations since they are a lot of medical professionals in the community... Always ready to help Together let us continue to spread awareness and the correct information about vaccinations. β¨ #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeBakuNanay #VaccinesWorkforAll #HealthierPhilippines #AllAboutBakuna