Nausea and vomiting
Hi mummies Just curious at which week does the nausea and vomiting stops for you? Mine got worse at 9th week. Turning 10th tmr and I dont know what to expect. Im always always weak day and night and all i wanna do i sleep. I had to force myself to eat even when i dont feel like eating and every i ate tasted so bland and end up visiting the toilet more than once and it’s really tiring 😔 anyone experience the same thing? How do you all cope with that? #advicepls #sharingiscaring #pregnancy

Hi mummy! I am mostly nausea and vertigo in my first trimester, hence I always bring my medicated oil around (very kiasu, one in bag, one in pocket, one at work desk, one beside my bed.. lol!!) when I reach 2nd trimester, both nausea and vertigo were kinda gone but came vomiting/bloated every meal (after every meal confirm puke) all the way until mid of third trimester when the baby’s position turn, that’s when I feel better and can eat better too! And yes, I am always tired and sleepy too! Got bed, sleep! Watch tv watch half way also sleep! I just listen to my body. If sleepy, sleep. If hungry, eat (but in small portion and I had to avoid carbs cuz it was mostly carbs that made me puke all the time).. Sleep all you can now because after you give birth, say bye bye to sleep.. T_T
Read moreHang in there! I had terrible all-day morning sickness when I was pregnant with my son and it continues till the 3rd trimester. All pregnancy are different. I'm currently 14wks plus and the MS stopped once I've reached my 2nd trimester. Like you, I also couldn't eat and all I did was sleep when I was in my 1st trimester. Hang in there ok! Don't forget to at least eat a plain biscuit or anything bland like porridge and drink lots of water or you'll be hydrated. Dried fruits also help. At least for me. Get something that is sour to help curb the nausea. Take care mummy!
Read moreThank you so much mummy 🙏🙏
I had very bad nausea and vomitings too. It stopped at 11 weeks plus, then came bck at 16th week for a week or two and then stopped, and then came bck again at my 24th week. Currently at 25th week, jz nausea all dae but no vomiting. 🤷🏻♀️weird. haha. i was soo happy it stopped the first time but now i jz go with the flow. Maybe try to eat cold fruits, like cold apple. wrks for me as the nausea pills are useless, it only makes my vomitings worst.
Read moreAww. I really hope the vomiting will stop. I can still handle the nausea but not with the vomiting it’s very tiring 😩. I gotta agree how useless nausea pills are! Thanks for the suggestion and i hope you will get better too, Mummy! 🙏
Hey Mummy! I had it until I was week 16. I had very bad nausea and vomiting. Doctor offered meds but I didn't want to take. I do still vomit randomly now at 20 weeks when I'm too full or the food is just not right. I eat very small meals due to indigestion and acid. I hardly ate and lost 5 kg during the first trimester. Trimester 2 seems very far but pls hang on! You will get there. 💪
Read moreThank you mummy! I hope you will get better too! We can do this 💪 take care!!
16 weeks for me. Before that I couldn't eat any meat or anything strong smelling. Even the anti-nausea pills from the gynae didn't help. So I kept to vegetarian food and blander food like noodle soup.
Hi Mummy Sitty Ami, what pills are you taking? I’m taking Diclectin and works wonder for me!
maybe u can try dimenhydrinate. It works for me n some of my friends. My vomiting only stopped at about 14 weeks but I started having heartburn every now n then after that 😔
mine stop only coming 6mths, after my appetite go back to normal. if very bad try to see take vomiting medicine from gynae. Eat small meals
I see! Thank you so much 🙏
mine stopped once i reached 2nd trimester.. i took anti nausea pills to ease myself. you might want to check with your gynae
I did take the anti nausea pills too but it kinda not work for me cos i still end up throwing up. Quite stressed up 😣 thank you for the reply!
Everyone is different , u might want to rest a little bit more ?
I will, thank you mummy! 🙏
the moment 2nd trimester start !
I felt that. Ive been spending more time in bed. I can’t even find the energy to get up to shower at times.
Mummy to a baby girl