Icy Water

Im someone who dont believe in superstitious (pantang). I may follow some but with valid reasons. Ive been drinking icy water and cold food way before i was pregnant up till now in 3rd trimester. I get annoyed whenever people confronted me and say “cold again. Later your baby got asthma” i just sarcastically laugh at it everytime cos i dont wanna be rude. Can people just stop with all this nonsense pantang? Please do a research i meant lots of research and find the actual reasons behind those pantang. I can say 90% of all the pantangs are myth. I still respect those who follow pantang but please lah dont give such comments about my baby having asthma or what just because i never follow their belief 🙄🙄🙄

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I had my prenatal massage aunty told me off when she saw me refilling my bottle with cold water! She outright scolded me and said “you’re also a woman and you know how bad cramps can get, why are you doing this to your unborn daughter? You know it’s your fault of her uterus is “weak” and will have cramps if you drink cold water?!” Gosh, I’m speechless. Honestly the number of superstitions… the worst I’ve heard someone (who’s never been a mom) said to another mom (who have a child with cleft lip) was: So what did you do? You cut things on your bed? I was damn angry on behalf of the other mom because like why are you pinning this on the mom when she’s already blaming herself harder than everyone else? Uneducated opinions really pisses me off to no end.

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