8 Replies

Totally understand the excitement but best to survey ard first! I only started buying the bigger items in the third tri just like other mommies. I had my baby in Dec 2020 and I realised tt sales twds the end of the year are way better so u may want to wait for Nov or Dec sale!

VIP Member

Hey congratulations! But I’d say hold your horses! 😂. There’s big sale on 11.11 and you’re stil in time to get what you want! I’m guessing your due date is in Feb ya. Don’t worry about it!

I think not yet! If you have not announced yet, when you do people may give you hand me down items that could save you lots of money. There are many more sales opportunities :)

same here! am resisting the temptations to buy early! btw, i was checking around the websites, some do give freebies/sample for pregnancy! shopping without paying a cent lol.

I feel you! I'm about as far along as you and I'm so excited to buy everything now but I think it's way too early to do so. Window shop first!

Buy during 2nd semester and dont wait till 3rd semester to buy. There will always be sale so dont buy anything in 1st semester first.

Thats very early still! I bought my stuff in third tri.. 😂 mayb u can target first?

Super Mum

There's always sales so you don't have to rush. 😊 11.11 will have better deals.

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