I'm a new mom and it always seems like I'm forgetting something when we leave the house. Do you have a checklist for packing a diaper bag?

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I have a list as a general guideline for you 1) For changing Diapers x 3-4 Pcs Nappy cream travel size Tissue paper ( those big packet) Wet wipes Changing mat A set of new clothes in case baby stains I put all these in a pouch so that I don't forget and I only replenish the diapers 2) For feeding I use FM so for me I will calculate the no of bottles I need and fill it with room temp water first Milk powder One hot flask of hot water One water bottle One bib One bowl with a spoon as my baby is ok solids Her solids in thermos flask or for convenience usually I feed her instant oats or cereal when I go out Highchair toy if your baby is the fussy type Snacks like biscuits or bread 3) For sleeping Pacifier for my baby with a clip Blanket 4) miscellaneous depending on where I go A min stroller fan if I am going outdoors Mosquito repellant Stroller toys DVD player sometimes One small towel to wipe sweat or anything The key is to have a fixed diaper bag and put the key things in different small pouches and replenish as and when necessary Hope this helps!

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