20 Replies

VIP Member

Hi for those trusted ones, I think u can share with them. Because at this time u need support too. I was like you not sure. And at least, u know there’s people who U know will take extra care for you. I was lucky to tell a few of my trusted working colleagues. And one day I got sabo to do a dance while I was wearing high heels and short skirt. Immediately those who knows, came forward to look out for me to make sure I’m safe. So thankfully I told a few of them

Super Mum

I just tell them that I’m not feeling well to go for outing/have another appointment. I believe they will understand once u announce ur pregnancy to them after 12 weeks. I don’t wish my colleague to : 1. start spreading the pregnancy in office 2. should anything (touch wood) happen, I do not need to explain to anyone and repeat the grief. However, if u have alot of nausea in office, I think they will know. Also, if u think ur colleagues are ok, go ahead :)

VIP Member

I did not wait to the 12th week mark to tell my close colleagues/friends. Reason being, we might not know when we need help and 1st trimester is a fragile period. And they would understand when you suddenly have aversions or cravings for certain foods or too tired to join in some outings.

I told my close colleagues and my direct boss when i found out I’m pregnant. They are tight lipped about it and kept a close watch over me and accommodated on my meal times when we lunch out together. Don’t worry about informing them. All is good :)

As u said usual practice. It is fine to say. Dun need to be superstitious about only after 3 months baby more stable then say. I told my colleagues too. Isnt it a happy and a good news? After all is your choice weather to share or not.

Super Mum

I managed to keep my pregnancy news till 3 mths frm my bestfriends n colleagues. The itch to tell surely is there. But im also the kind that not afraid to say no to plans w/o explanation. Poker face. 😂


I shared the news with a very close colleague and my immediate supervisors because my line of work is erratic and they need to know that I am pregnant so that they do not pile on too much work

VIP Member

I shared with my colleagues, and they kept a close watch on me during our company retreat. Have to understand that sharing too early means that in case of miscarriages, also have to announce

If you're not comfortable sharing the news, just say you're not feeling well or you have plans alr. I personally shared the news with them early into the pregnancy cos we are very close.

i had to share, break the news cos my morning sickness was bad. break the news to em and they are understanding. break the news to indirectly telling em that i need more rest also.

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