Foods to avoid during early pregnancy?

Hi I’m a FTM, just found out I’m a bout 5 weeks pregnant. I haven’t scheduled a doctors appointment but have been trying to be more conscious of foods I eat. But everytime I google something, even if it’s a fruit, there’s a lot of different answers and that causes anxiety. Is it true we should steer away from certain heaty or cooling foods? I have stopped drinking coffee or tea, and started taking my fish oils and multivits. #pregnancy #FTM

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I read best is to avoid caffeine during first trimester so I have been avoiding it for now. Avoid any herbal food or drinks. Cannot eat raw food also. For fruits, papaya is definitely a NO. I read drinking cold water is fine as it will become body temperature when we drink it down. It will not affect fetus. Now weather too hot so I'm always craving for cold water too.

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4w ago

Oh!! Thank you for the clarification :)