I'm exhausted. Parenthood isn't easy, alot of trials & error. Everyday is a learning curve, a routine actually. I'm 2 weeks in. Mad respect to all mommies out there!

It will be better as LO grow up fast and will sleep through the night eventually, hang on there, ask for help if needed to. You are a great Mummy yourself for giving birth to your lovely LO and doing your best in everything you could for your LO, Jia You and Hugs!
First time mummy has it the hardest. It will gets better once you are used to it and the baby starts to grow up. Keep yourself happy by doing little things that you likes and have enough rest whenever u can. Jia you!
Hey mummy!! Don’t be overwhelm.. Do take it slow. Housework can wait or leave it to others. You need to rest while the baby rest!! It’s not easy.. but the days are Long yet the years are short!
Perservance! I also don’t know how we do it but it’s a year and counting. Night are Long but years are short, you can do it !
Parenthood can be crazy! But remember you need to take time off as well and get yourself together to not burnout.
Big hugs I can't tell u that it will get better but all the bits and pieces makes us laugh more than cry. 😘
Yes it's tired, but dont forget to enjoy it. Baby grow very fast. Take care of yourself too.
Its crazy but super worth it. You'll slowly get the hang of it. Believe in yourself!
Absolutely. It is a continuous learning process even after so many years. Tight Hugs
Haha! Yup, everything is trial and error! All the best, you definitely can do it!